Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ladies, ladies, ladies

Ok, so today I am blogging to all you ladies out there (19 and over), sorry everyone else, your time will come. Anyway so us girls at One Red Chair have been thinking about all of you and decided that we could have a fun night for you all! So we have planned a wonderfully, exciting evening for all of you. It's called 'Girls Night In'. It's gonna be on Saturday November 3, starting 7pm and ending when we feel like it J There will be massages, manicures and more fun stuff. Tickets will be $10 in advance or $12 at the door. Space is limited. This is an event to bring some girl friends to or come and meet some other fun ladies in Bradford area. I am sure this is going to be so much fun. We are planning to have some delicious food and drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic! For more information about tickets please give us a call or come on by. Our phone number is 289-470-1040. Hope to see you there! ***UPDATE***Nov 1. You snooze, you lose. This event is officaily SOLD OUT! Don't worry, we will have another one in the future. Just remeber to sign up earlier!


WOW, we are really horrible at this whole blogging thing aren't we? Well I am going to try and fix that with trying to blog at least once a week. I mean that’s not too much to ask of myself. And I know I can find something to talk about, whatever it may be, coffee or just random stuff. I don't want to bore everyone to death talking about coffee all the time. I mean it's really interesting and there's lots to say about it but lets be honest there's a lot more going on in the world that doesn't involve coffee. And I know you all have some crazy opinions on stuff and I would totally like to hear about them.

-Vanessa :)