Monday, November 19, 2007

Chicken Milk!

It's here! That's right, in celebration of the season, Eggnog Latte's are now available. So come in, get your chicken milk while it lasts, 'cause like the holiday season, it will be gone before you know it!

CEO - Chief Espresso Officer


Anonymous said...

Hey Michael!

It's Rob from Rogers Television! The segment on "One Red Chair coffee house" was on York Region Living last week and will be on York Region Dining this week...were you able to catch it? You're a star Michael!

One Red Chair said...

Thanks Rob, I caught it. There were a few to many "uhhh's" for my taste, but hey not bad for my first time.

Thanks again


Christy said...

This is so cool that you guys set up your own blog. I'm a blogger who lives in Bradford and I'm feeling really guilty right now that I haven't been in the new store yet. It looks really great. :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.