Wednesday, October 24, 2007


WOW, we are really horrible at this whole blogging thing aren't we? Well I am going to try and fix that with trying to blog at least once a week. I mean that’s not too much to ask of myself. And I know I can find something to talk about, whatever it may be, coffee or just random stuff. I don't want to bore everyone to death talking about coffee all the time. I mean it's really interesting and there's lots to say about it but lets be honest there's a lot more going on in the world that doesn't involve coffee. And I know you all have some crazy opinions on stuff and I would totally like to hear about them.

-Vanessa :)


Colin Manchester said...

Shame I don't live nearer. I live in England and visited the coffee shop 4 times in the first week they opened. Great place and really friendly staff.

Back at Christmas Guys !

One Red Chair said...

Thanks Colin! The place has changed a lot since we first opened so you should be pleasently suprised.

See you at Christmas!
